Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis Henry V Speech Battle of Harfleur Showing His Power and Role as a Leader Essay

Analysis of Henry’s speech of Harfleur showing his role as a leader and an inspiration Henry’s speech to his men before the battle of Harfleur is one of the most powerful, inspirational speeches of all time. The speech defines Henry as not only a friend unto his men, but also a powerful leader; ‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more’, literally meaning to the break in the walls my friends, referring to the walls of Harfleur. Henry is conjuring his men in a rally, including soldiers, noblemen and commoners, with the use of repetition of ‘once more’ to enforce the fact that this is not the first time it has been done, bringing up the memory of the Englishmen’s warlike ancestors of which they aspire to be like, so that they will follow him in his conquest. The speech holds strong wildly exaggerated themes, to shock the public with what would happen if they were not to fight or help Henry in this great cause. The purpose is partly to prove that the men were fighting for a good reason, and so they can have faith in their leader, but also to inspire them to fight the French ‘or close up the wall with our English dead’, ironic as the hole in the wall of Harfleur is enormous and would take thousands of bodies to even half fill but a thought which would not leave you. Henry V is a negotiator, he reasons with his men, suggesting that men must not always fight, that ‘In peace there’s nothing so become a man as stillness and humility’ the soft ‘s’ sibilance adds a calming tone, and paints a picture of the ideal man, of which most men would inspire to be like, who is calm and good humoured. He goes on to contrast this with ‘but when the blast of war blows in our ears’, the onomatopoeic plosive ‘b’ sound is so loud and clear, as is the war with the imagery of ‘blows in our ears’ shows us that even the ideal man cannot ignore this, will not ignore this and that he must turn from the pacifist to the fighter. The metaphorical language depicts the man turning from the civilised human he has become, back to nature with his predatory-like mind and that he must ‘imitate the action of the tiger’ and fight for his worth as an Englishman. Dynamic imperatives are used to directly address the audience, showing Henry’s leadership skills as he is telling them what to do and think ‘stiffen the sinews, conjure up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage’ he is urging his men to change in state, from man to the fighter to a point of uncontrollable anger and ferocity for battle. Similes are used powerfully in addition to these imperatives; ‘like the brass cannon’ referring to the eyeball popping out of ones skull in rage, he is consuming his audience with the passion and rage of war with powerful imagery changing the atmosphere and preparing them for the battle of their lives where they are to prove themselves to the world, wildly exaggerated but very inspiring and puts him in complete control of all of their emotions, defining his status as King and leader. In addition to the metaphorical comparison between human and animal, Henry relates the feelings of war to the processes of nature; ‘galled rock’ the men are hard as rocks, both in physical power and mentality. Other images include the ‘swilled with the wild and wasteful ocean’ proving to his men that it is a natural process for one to be overpowered with rage, especially when it is for a good cause as the one he is suggesting, and that we must take what is ours (France) like the waves take control of the ocean. The men are reduced to powerless bodies; Henry goes on in his speech to control not only their minds but their bodies with ‘set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide’ the strong imagery instinctively makes you do the action which in itself grinds you and makes one feel consumed with rage, this is beyond inspiration, the men are physically empowered by the speech. Furthermore he makes it every man’s duty to their mothers to fight ‘dishonour not your mother. The sentence is short and stands out for clarity as it is an important part of his speech, he wants them to feel guilty if they do not make their mothers, of which have raised them, proud. Onomatopoeic repetition adds rhythm to the speech and commands the men to go forth with their duties with use of ellipsis; ‘on, on’ the choice to go to war is no longer a choice but a factor of life that must happen, the men have turned into the animals of war and have now become ‘noble English’ further inspiring them to be as their forefathers were. For after all their ‘blood is fet from fathers of war proof’ of which they must live up to, and the alliteration of the ‘f’ sound adds dynamicity to the speech, the war has become a physical part of them, it’s in their blood. Not only do the men want to follow in the footsteps of their forefathers, but Henry wants them to make history; ‘teach them how to war. Again another short sentence, he wants them to set the example, be the best men any King could have, slightly blowing his own trumpet there. Strong imagery of England and patriotism is used to make the men feel not only proud of their mothers and the king but also their country ‘the mettle of your pasture’ as England is seen to be fields of green countryside, much like the battlefield in which they fought. To enforce this he uses rhetorical questions ‘swear that you are worth your breeding’ of which every man would swear he is, as part of his ego but also no man wants to feel unworthy. Henry also says that he can see the drive and determination in all of their eyes; ‘noble lustre in your eyes’ metaphorical but inspiring nevertheless, he makes every man feel as though he truly can do it, he is a fighter. A further simile ‘I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips’ the greyhounds being hunting dogs, hungry for power. Follow your spirit and upon this charge’ act on your instincts, don’t think for war is something not of emotion of the weak, and as you do this you must ‘cry â€Å"God for Harry, England and Saint George! †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ a half rhyme with charge the final couplet uses imperatives to state the cause as to which the men are fighting and boosts moral and patriotism, saint George being the patron saint of England, the final push for these men from men to soldiers.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Theseus and Perseus

In the books of Theseus and Perseus details summary of Theseus volunteer to go to Crete to be sacrificed to the Minotaur. He promised his dad that he would be on white sails not black sails. But he rides on the black sails so his father Perseus was the son of Danae and Zeus. Perseus went to see Medusa. to cut her head off. He came back with Medusa's head, he used Medusa's head to turned Phineus into stones. Theseus and Perseus are courageous and proud, yet it is there impulsive actions lead them into bad decisions that cause suffering Theseus showed courage when he offered to be one of the victims. He fought the Minotaur with his bare hands.He also showed courage in everything he excelled in; he would offer to fight against a villain if he had to. Perseus is courageous because he is not afraid to fight Medusa. Truly it is a scary and dangerous thing to fght a monster. Perseus displays his bravery when he was willing to fght the Gorgon. But little does Perseus know, Medusa Is harder t o kill than he thought. When Theseus slays the Minotaur, he feels proud, because no one else has been able to kill it, which also made him feel powerful. Theseus wants to show off that he can be proud to kill the Minotaur. And prove It to everyone that he can do it without being frightened.Perseus feels proud when he cuts off the head of the Gorgon, Medusa. When he went to the palace he showed the evil king, Polydectes, the head of Medusa, so he turns to stone. Perseus was able to take his mom back. Theseus Is Impulsive because he salsl â€Å"I'll kill Minotaur†. When he killed the Minotaur they arrived on the Island of Naxos. In the morning he abandoned Ariadne the Island of Naxos. Theseus forgot he Is riding on black sails. Theseus dad commits suicide because Theseus forgot to ride on the white sails. HIS dad thinks Theseus Is dead. Perseus Is Impulsive because he wants to prove It to Polydectes to bring the Medusa's head.He came back with Medusa's head and shows It to Poly dectes. Polydectes turned Into stone. So It's clear that Theseus and Perseus Impulsive actions did lead them Into bad decisions that caused suffering. But they both are courage and proud of them what they did. heroes- Theseus and Perseus By fetheringtonl 9 he would offer to fght against a villain if he had to. Perseus is courageous because he is not afraid to fght Medusa. Truly it is a scary and dangerous thing to fight a little does Perseus know, Medusa is harder to kill than he thought. be proud to kill the Minotaur. And prove it to everyone that he can do it withoutTheseus is impulsive because he saisl â€Å"I'll kill Minotaur†. When he killed the Minotaur they arrived on the island of Naxos. In the morning he abandoned Ariadne the island of Naxos. Theseus forgot he is riding on black sails. Theseus dad commits suicide because Theseus forgot to ride on the white sails. His dad thinks Theseus is dead. Perseus is impulsive because he wants to prove it to Polydectes to bring the Medusa's head. He came back with Medusa's head and shows it to Polydectes. Polydectes turned into stone. So it's clear that Theseus and Perseus impulsive actions did lead them into bad

Monday, July 29, 2019

American Politics and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Politics and Society - Essay Example There are many policies that the President cannot make possible all by himself. The different executive departments and agencies are managed and directed by persons who may not necessarily share the same objectives as the President. Furthermore, if he needs to make any changes it will first have to pass through Congress. The President has limited control over legislative acts as well. There are several steps that needed to be done before a policy can be implemented that are under the jurisdiction of persons beyond the control of the President. The President even has limited control over such important agencies such as the Federal Reserve. The British Prime Minister, on the other hand, holds the most important position in parliament as he makes many of the political decision in his country. He is responsible for appointing his cabinet. He also has the power to make the final decision on major issues. On becoming President the previous role of senator, governor or political representative held before assuming presidential role has to be relinquished. The President, therefore, while being head of the executive does not have the responsibility of representing any individual state or region. This is different with the Prime Minister. He is also a member of parliament and he, therefore, has the responsibility and duties of caring for a constituency like any other ordinary member of parliament. The party system within the United States of America is not as strong nor does it have the traditional pomp and power like what is associated with political parties in the United Kingdom. While the President automatically becomes the party leader he does not necessarily have members of his party in his cabinet. It is different with the Prime Minister who is responsible for appointing party members to his cabinet. Normally, the cabinet only comprises party members and affiliates.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Epistemology versus Ontology in Philosophy Essay

Epistemology versus Ontology in Philosophy - Essay Example Therefore, it may be said that this paper has been written on the assumption that epistemology is better suited than ontology for research design in philosophy. To begin with, one has to understand research design in context of philosophy as a style of writing or expressing ideas. This has a nexus with positivism as well as interpretivism in understanding how knowledge is gathered and used. Johnson et al's text (2000) starts with a study of innate notions. This portion of the book is a study of the elements that lead to speculation and a subsequent formation of perspective. This points to positivism. Throughout this part, the authors have managed to hook the reader on to the idea that speculation is an element that must be used in very discreet doses as more of it can damage the practical side of things in one's mind. (Johnson et al, 2000) As a philosophical notion, this is an ideal that is true to writing. In writing, it is imperative to stick to a certain balance between factual information and a small amount of speculation. This holds on to people's imagination and memories. Therefore, in this part of the book, the authors have merely de scribed a style of writing that has to do with organising ideas and information or interpretivism. This sets the stage for understanding and differentiating between epistemology and ontology. Further into the book, one will find ideals that are connected with principles in the mind. The mind is an organ that churns out thoughts and expressions of the same. These expressions are a part of the basic mental setup of the person concerned. This quality, in turn, springs from an ability to form a successful marriage between imagination and the overall truth surrounding a person. Therefore, these principles work towards defining a certain kind of writing and research design that can be applied by any person for means of appropriate self expression. (Johnson et al, 2000) The second part of the book is about Ideas. Writing is a field where ideation is an important phase before one begins to actually put the ideas down on pen and paper. Where does this ideation happen It happens during one's life experiences. These life experiences revolve around the garnering of values and ideals in life. One's writing often depicts the state of one's belief system. Thus, in describing ideas, Locke has managed to show what a person's preliminary research in writing is based on. This preliminary research comes from what is within oneself. (Locke, 2007) Analysis To begin with, let us define the concepts of epistemology and ontology, individually. Epistemology: This is a field of study that is closely related to philosophy. Epistemology, through the definition of theories and concepts, seeks to study a body of knowledge by applying the relevant definitions. This points towards subjectivism and the use of a positive attitude in deducing and understanding knowledge. In this way, it shares some similarity with ontology. It is a field of stu

Write in APA format, a brief summary of 5 well known theories of Essay

Write in APA format, a brief summary of 5 well known theories of psychology(namely behavioural, cognitive, developmental, humanistic and personality) and give o - Essay Example He stated that it is not something that has to be repeated many times, but instead, if the behaviour that you want is clearly communicated, an individual will react to a familiar stimulus ("B.F. Skinner", 2008, p.1). Skinner called his theory "operant conditioning." He used a system of positive and negative enforcers to help strengthen or eliminate behaviours. The use of behavioural modification means that an individual may "change the consequences of behaviour in order to guide it to what is required. Skinner saw that although there would be a large task that was to be completed, it would be a better idea to break these larger steps down into small ones. This way a child could concentrate on one step at a time and be rewarded for the accomplishment of each task ("The 1950s, n.d.). In the view of the behaviourists, the way to motivate a child to learn is to reinforce the behaviour you want and ignore the behaviour you do not want. As an example, you have a child who does not want to clean their room. A chart can be set up and each time a child cleans their room, they receive a positive sticker (maybe a smiling face) on the chart. When they do not, they receive a negative sticker (maybe a frowning face). In order to go to McDonalds or get a special treat, they must have an accumulation of positive stickers. This can motivate a child to clean their room. Eventually, this will be made into a habit of course and you can gradually discontinue the stickers (according to his theory). The cognitive theorists were focused on finding out how people learned through understanding material in their environment. One of the foremost theorists in this area was Jean Piaget. He believed that children do not necessarily learn in a smooth way but in a series of stages of cognitive development. His stages include: Although many children follow this approach, many may find that they start the stages earlier than Piaget said. Other theorists like Vygotsky found that there were

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reasearch Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Reasearch - Research Paper Example Diffusion can lead to changes in cultural practices, which will eventually influence spatial distribution. Cultural is the accepted way of life within a particular group of people. It includes food, clothing, practices and beliefs. Currently, the world is full of many different cultures. However, the dominant cultures trace their origins in cultural hearths. Seven locations have been identified as the point of origin for the dominant cultures in the world (Blij et al, 2011). These locations include the Nile River Valley, Indus River valley, Wei-Huang Valley, Ganges River Valley, Andean, Mesopotamia, and West Africa. It is the cradle of Chinese civilization. The valley is where the earliest Chinese irrigation works started. The capital of Chinese major dynasties like Qin, Zhou, Tang and Han were found along this valley. Trade in the valley began in the form of barter trade, which eventually developed as innovation gained ground. It is believed that the Wei River is the ancient Jiang River, which is associated with the early development of agriculture (Pitzl, 2004). The Nile is a critical component of both ancient and modern Egypt. The Nile River is the longest river in the world; it flows from the mountains to the Mediterranean. The river has been responsible for supporting many lives for thousands of years. It has shaped many cultures in the region. The earliest forms of civilization in Egypt are associated with the Nile. The river made agriculture possible, which is the reason ancient Egypt was able to make strides in civilization. The Nile River valley is where the Egyptian culture flourished. It is responsible for the development of Kingdoms of West Africa. Agricultural breakthroughs were made by these kingdoms. The development in this area was influenced by the breakthroughs experienced by the people Southeast Asia and the Nile valley. It had agricultural communities its northern part by

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Prohibition of Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives Essay

The Prohibition of Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives - Essay Example In order to fully implement its policies, pieces of legislation are enacted by the European Parliament, European Commission and the Council of the European Union. On the other hand, the European Court of Justice plays an important role in the interpretation of European Union laws which consist of treaties, regulations and directives among others. Its interpretation aids the member states in the proper implementation of the European Union laws. In its case law, the European Court of Justice has introduced the principle of direct effect of European Union laws in the member states. The principle of direct effect was designed to ensure the effectiveness of the European laws, enabling the citizens to use it before their respective national courts. Correspondingly, the doctrine of direct effect have a substantial effect on the legal systems of the member states, because it paved the way for individuals to enforce rights which originates from community legislation before their national courts. And as such, the principle has become a distinctive aspect of the European Union. The landmark case of Van Gend and Loos v. ... ven though the treaty did not state that it was directly effective, it was in consonance with the nature of the treaty that the provision on the abolition of custom duties should be directly effective. Significantly, the court enumerated the guidelines for establishing direct effect to wit: The provision must be sufficiently clear and precisely stated, it must be unconditional or non-dependent and provision must confer a specific right for the citizen to base his or her claim (Van Gend and Loos v. Netherlands Inland Revenue Administration, 1963). Conformity with the aforementioned guidelines will enable European citizens to enforce their rights and to rely directly on the provisions of Community law before their national courts. Similarly, the court states that the direct effect confers the company a direct assurance of its rights under Community law before its national courts. The principle of direct effect goes after the principle of primacy of community laws developed by the Europ ean Court of Justice in the case of Costa v. ENEL. In the case of Costa v. ENEL, (1964) the court likewise pointed out in paragraph seven of the case, that a member state's obligation under the European Economic Community Treaty, in the execution, effect or adoption of any measures either by States or by Commission is legally complete and consequently producing direct effects on the relations between member states and individuals. Correspondingly, it becomes an integral part of the legal system of the member state, and as such, national courts are duty bound to protect it. The principle of direct effect, basically deals with the enforceability of European Union laws by citizens of member states. The Doctrine of Direct effect can be classified into two. The vertical direct effect and the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Universal Access to Healthcare in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Universal Access to Healthcare in the USA - Essay Example Typically, investing in telemedicine can enable more people to access healthcare costs while at the same time saving on transportation costs. In this program, people can communicate with healthcare providers without having to physically go to the clinic. The program focuses on establishing a mobile strategy in healthcare companies. Further, it includes digital clinics that can be accessed through mobile phones and computers, which will make this mobile strategy easier. Â  The program looked at costs of implementing a mobile strategy and digital health clinics and weighed this cost against the relevant transport costs that will be saved after transformation of the system. In addition, the benefit of the improvement of health care due to the resultant increase in health care access was added to the advantage of reduced transportation costs (, 2015). Â  Telemedicine has not only improved access to health care but has reduced costs and improved the quality of healthcare (, 2015). However, there were disparities in access between the access in rural and urban areas which was attributed to the inequalities in information.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reflection the Influence of Marxian Economics Essay

Reflection the Influence of Marxian Economics - Essay Example This class has presented a perspective on the economic theories of Marx and Engels in such a way that it can be easily applied to almost every situation one comes into contact with. The influence of Marxist economics is so deeply grounded into my consciousness that now when I pass a homeless person the street I do not immediately buy into the capitalist caricature of a lazy person who refuses to work and so should rightfully be denied public assistance, but I imagine an entire tapestry of historical confluences. Did this person buy a bigger house than he could actually afford in a misguided effort at upward mobility Did he lose his high-paying job after being laid off by an employer who outsourced his work to a low-wage country Indeed, my appreciation of the vast reach of Marxist theory influences me to view everything from a different perspective. The economics of politics has come under greater scrutiny as well as I apply Marx's theories to it. What is the real purpose of the war in Iraq Is it actually to bring democracy there, or is it an attempt to create a new market for global conglomerates like Microsoft and McDonald's Before this class I naturally divided economics and politics into different spheres that obviously blended together at times.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Leadership - Research Paper Example Introduction The study will encompass various learning associated with the concept of ‘leadership’ in the context of management of people. The term ‘leadership’ is fundamentally described as the ability that an individual possess in relation to making effective pathways for others to follow. It is also regarded as a practice in which the actions of different individuals are set to move in a definite direction by a single individual. In addition, the factors that significantly influence the development of leadership among different individuals will be analyzed upon. At the same time, the extent towards which people are influenced by diverse leadership traits and the degree up to which the leadership skills are practiced will be examined upon. The study will also postulate a comprehensive understanding about the term ‘manager’. In addition the roles of a manager will be analyzed upon and the similarity between the duties of a manager and leader in relation to managing as well as guiding people will be identified and studied upon. The paper will also highlight those factors that are crucially required for managing people in the most proficient manner. It will give an opportunity to put oneself in a leadership position and put on different self-practices concerning the implementation of proper leadership tactics and practices (Western, 2007). Thesis Statement The primary purpose of the paper is to highlight those practices that reflect leadership qualities and values. The study will assist in delivering a proper idea regarding leadership and the various activities associated with it. This will help in determining the extent towards which leadership can be developed among individuals and self. Another major goal of the paper is to identify those factors that are required for becoming an authentic leader having innovative and extraordinary skills creating a positive mark in the minds and eyes of various followers. Furthermore, t his study will also propagate similarities and dissimilarities concerning leadership and management skills. It will further identify that whether every manager need to possess effective leadership skills or not. It will thus provide a greater aid in creating a distinct idea towards the understanding of the concept of leadership in a broad manner and will also provide a comprehensive understanding about the implementation of leadership skills in practical life. In Your Opinion, What Does It Take To Become An Authentic Leader Who People Want To Follow? Leadership skills are developed on the basis of integration of various skills such as, communication skills, problem solving ability, conceptual abilities and autocratic nature among others. An ideal leader needs to sum up all his/her resources and implement those whenever required. A proficient leader needs to act quickly depending upon the situation and should be able to provide with quick time solutions for mitigating any sort of dif ficulty or risk. In order to become an authentic leader, one must be continuously involved in delivering those skills that can cope up various challenges or resolve any complex situation. Besides, the leader must constantly attempt to create significant amount of differences in relation to the traditional leadership styles and practices of a leader. Authentic leaders are often considered to be the outstanding performers in their respective fields and also

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hofstede Cultural Difference Critiques Essay Example for Free

Hofstede Cultural Difference Critiques Essay Arguably, Hofstede’s work (1980, 1997) represents a pioneering approach of culture as a way of comparing international management frameworks. First of all, prior to offering any evaluations in regards to McSweeney’s criticism (2002a/b), it is crucial to identify the nature of Hostede’s work within the entire sphere of the culture approach itself. In contrast to the guarantors of the emic approach , whose main concepts tend to discard the equalization and standardization of dimensions in national cultures’ comparisons, the pillars of Hofstede’s work, which belong to the etic approach , are based on 5 dimensions whereby national differences are then measured. In other words, from the emic standpoint it is also arguable that the etic research methodology, as aiming to identify equalities among national differences, would risk throwing out the baby with the bath water . On the other hand, from the emic perspective, dividing the culture into a set of defined scopes stands as the only way to actually enable researchers to compare cultures . Having briefly introduced the shortcomings related to both approaches, McSweeney’s critiques can now be narrowed down to a specific scope, which is mainly encompassed with Hofstede’s research methodology. Research Validity  In light of the importance for any researches to provide clear definitions on the specific research concepts and key words, the first part of this essay will evolve on contextualizing the meaning of culture within Hofstede’s work, thus, giving ground to McSweeney’s relevant sources of criticism. Geert (1980) has defined culture as the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from another. McSweeney essentially critiques Hofstede’s adoption of nations as means of cultural comparisons, scorning the territoriality uniqueness of culture in primis. In regards to this issue, Hofstede in a second stage (2002: 1356) acknowledges that nations are not the ideal elements for studying cultures, yet this is the only way researchers could have access to comparable units. Predictably, thousands of other author’s contributions in regards to the definition of culture would make this argument even more complex. For the sake of this analysis, emphasis would be given to the arguments in regards to the research methodology. Research Reliability: Research Sample The first criticism which may arise is likely to involve the representativeness of Hofstede’s research sample. In more details, he argues that 117,000 questionnaires for two surveys, covering 66 countries would be enough to ensure the research reliability. From my point of view, McSweeney’s critiques result founded when analysing the sampling framework in more details. CountryNumber of Respondents for Each Country Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and Sweden (6 countries)More than 1000 Chile, Columbia, Greece, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey (15 countries)Less than 200 [Tab. 1] As it can be seen by the table (Tab. ), in 15 countries the sample size is composed by less than 200 respondents, which results to be extremely small compared to other countries with over 1000 respondents. To couple this argument, McSweeney discusses about the narrowness of the population surveyed as respondents were all IBM employees, mainly involved with the marketing and sales departments. Hofstede’s reply ( 2002), stating that this sample’s framework had only been used in order to isolate the national culture differences from both the organizational and occupational culture, seems however to give rise to other arguments. As McSweeney’s (2002a: 95-99) argues, respondents’ cultural framework is made up by three non-interacting and durable levels of culture (Tab. 2). At the first level, the assumptions which would free this model from any shortcomings would be that there is only one IBM culture and that there is also a common worldwide occupational culture for each job (Hofstede 1980a: 181). What are these assumptions based on? According to McSweeney (2002a: 96), these assumptions are â€Å"too crude and implausible to underpin Hofstede’s emphatic empirical claims† . Following the thread of his argument we come across a situation where assuming that an IBM employee, whether in a developed USA head office or a new opened branch office in Pakistan, will possess the same identical organizational and occupational culture does become hard to encompass. In response to this argument, Hofstede acknowledges that considerable differences exist at the â€Å"organizational level† (1991: 93), yet it redefines the entire organizational culture as a mere set of â€Å"shared perceptions of daily practices† (1991: 182-3), therefore distancing from the early-stage value-based definition. According to McSweeney (2002b), this is only a failed attempt to deliver a straightforward concept and definition of organizational culture. Back to Culture Hofstede’s vision of culture is often linked to two different concepts, unique national tendency and central tendency, respectively. In the first case, as pointed out by McSweeney, the national uniformity which Hofstede claims to have found, results to have no valid grounds as it derives from a very specific micro-level (IBM). Secondly, in regards to the claimed average tendency, the heterogeneity of questionnaires’ responses completely contradicts this conceptualization at the first place. As cited from Jacob (2005), â€Å"if exceptions to the rule are as numerous as the rule itself† to what extent could predictions based on that rule be reliable? In many countries, McSweeney argues, the typical IBM employee would at a high extent diverge from the general population. That is to say that an IBM employee in Taiwan would not necessarily reflect Taiwan’s population average individual, especially when we are talking about someone who holds a managerial position in a multinational firm. This concept brings us to another aspect of McSweeney’s criticism (2002a:92), â€Å"culture treated as a mere epiphenomenon, completely casual†, as conceptualized by Hofstede, it would look like something which moves along the history â€Å"enduring†, yet it is not subject to radical changes due to fluctuating social, economic and institutional trends (Tab. 3). Questionnaire and Dimensions Arguably, the questionnaire itself also presents some limitations. Firstly aimed to investigate the employees’ morale at IBM, it also resulted to reflect some values that, for Hofstede, could have been used to unveil the national cultural differences’ myth. Citing one of his research questions, â€Å"How long do you think you will continue working for this company? †(1980 Appendix 1) , it is obviously clear there would be differences in whether this question is being asked in a country, say, the USA, with plentiful employment vacancies, or in a country, say Thailand where at the time of the research the unemployment rate was comparatively high. Under these circumstances, it is extremely hard to assume that the respondents were not influenced by other social, political and institutional factors (See Tab. 3). Therefore, his research’s entire reliability could be easily questioned on this basis. Despite ensuring the confidentiality of respondents’ answers, employees’ foreknowledge of the end objective of the survey might have easily encouraged them to assume a more positive attitude in order to support their divisions’ reputation. Arguably, the responses analysed by Hofstede were situationally restricted (McSweeney, 2002a: 107). In more details, the questions only reflected values related to the workplace, furthermore the surveys were exclusively directed within the workplace and were not tested in non-work place locations for both same respondents and others. In light of the first purpose of the questionnaire, it is spontaneous to raise a question in regards to the validity of the dimensions found by Hofstede. Could it be possible that a specialized study in cultural differences would have delineated different dimensions? In his response, Hofstede acknowledged that, although there may be some other dimensions equally important for the structuring of a comparative cultural analysis, relative questions were simply not asked. McSweeney with reference to Triadis (1994) argues that bi-polar dimensions of national cultures should not be comprised of opposite poles (for example: Individualism – Collectivism), but depending on the situations they could coexist. Under these principles, the work of Schwartz (1992) appears to give a comparatively dynamic dimensions’ disposition. History and Research Validations In the last section of his book, Hofstede (1980: 326- 331) includes some historical and contemporary events which he states would validate his research findings. However, McSweeney (2002b) argues that these stories reveal nothing but justifications, leaving out the basics for an accurate confirmation. According to his analysis, Hosfstede’s assertion, â€Å"the more masculine a culture the more antagonistic are industrial relations, is flawed as the trends for working days lost in industrial disputes , in both Spain and the UK, result to vary enormously over time. In other words, we could argue that these fluctuations are highly influenced by political, economic and institutional changes. In the case of industrial relations’ disputes in Spain, after the death of Spanish dictator Franco in 1975, the level of working days was subject to a huge increase. Hofstede’s findings have also been validated by other studies, reflecting the same national cultural differences . This is one of the reasons why Hofstede’s work has so far been used in many disciplines as pioneer of the cultural approach in the sphere of comparative international management. Under these circumstances, as Hofstede states (2002 p. 1358), it is just not all about faith in his research, but it is the willingness of the society to accept his work as something which could be taken to a step further. In some cases, institutional factors, history, politics and economy do provide better explanations in this field, yet as Hofstede would argue, the cultural perspective does have his validity as it offers a complete different view on values embedded by people which do have an influence on their daily lives. Conclusion Arguably, some of Hofstede research framework’s features, especially the ones related to his research methodology, do present various shortcomings. However, the overall importance of cultural approach for national differences should be seen as undeniable (Koen, 2005). Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that after all, the main argument merely evolves on Hofstede’s claims to have â€Å"uncover[ed] the secrets of entire national cultures† (1980b: 44). Despite his book title narrowing the scope of its findings down to the work-place, â€Å"Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Place Values†, Hofstede, in many of his publications, seems to overestimate his findings. It is extremely important to acknowledge and appreciate the enormous contribution that Hofstede has made to the entire society’s understanding of international cultural differences. On the other hand, it is also crucial to stay away from the â€Å"taken for granted† approach when coming across such a complex topic. As mentioned in the preface, etic and emic approach despite having a different vision on how to measure and analyse culture, they could still be seen as two complementarities which could be extensively used for a more thorough research. In addition, although admitting that limitations in research methodology do hamper the objectivity of findings, the etic approach still stands as the unique way to allow researchers to obtain comparable quantitative data. I do also appreciate the contributions made by McSweeney, whose criticisms have enabled me to adopt a more critical line of thought in analysing this interesting topic. At some extent we could assume that Hofstede’s research is still a â€Å"work in progress†, eventually other advocates of the etic approach will take it to a more universal level, as some of other authors in this field have already done. I would like to conclude this essay with a quote from McSweeney (2002a: 90), when he states that Hofstede’s work could be dismissed as a misguided attempt to measure the unmeasurable .

The Sick Child & Art Essay Example for Free

The Sick Child Art Essay I would choose to work in expressionism, a style in which the inclination is to forego the objective representation of reality, by rejecting any pretense of verisimilitude. Instead, the artist distorts reality for an emotional effect. Granted, all art is expressionist to some extent: The whole point of the artistic endeavor is to manipulate perceptions to achieve an emotional effect. However, expressionism leans towards emphasizing the plasticity of the visual form, by distorting it on levels far removed from conventional ideals of realism, to the extent that beholding it can be rather unsettling to those who are used to the dreamy look of impressionism or the idealization of form exemplified by romantic arts. Expressionism should not be confused with Abstract art, which foregoes representation in favor of the use color and form in non-representational ways. Abstract and expressionist art are similar in so far as they opt out of objective reality. However the crucial difference is that abstract art rejects objectivity completely. In effect, abstract art favors form over content, while expressionism favors artistic license in the representation of content. One good example of expressionism is The Scream. It depicts a lone figure in a rather disturbing pose that seems to be in the grip of anxiety to the point of having his psyche shattered. The Scream was painted by Norwegian painter and printmaker Edvard Munch, who is reputed to have been inspired by the qualities of African tribal art. Munch tended to focus on extreme degrees of emotions. In Puberty, Munch articulates some of the intense fear and discomfort experienced by young girls as they transition into womanhood. The melancholy of a mother’s imminent loss is expressed in The Sick Child, while The Dance of Life presents in one space, the anxiety of constant change in a woman’s life as she moves from innocence to sexuality to old age. In all these pieces, Munch makes use of figures distorted by sickly linework, emphasizing his commitment to tense emotional discontent.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Elements of Literature

Elements of Literature Style is the spoken characteristics of a writer, as unique as his or her face or voice. Their styles express their individual ways of seeing humanity. Style is an insignia of independence and distinguishes a good writer from a meager or average writer. This is just one of the elements of literature. There are many elements of literature. When we read or hear poetry, we hear a speakers voice. It is this tone of voice that conveys the poems tone, its indirect mind-set toward its focus. Tone is a concept we make from fine points of a poems language: the use of meter and rhyme (or need of them); the addition of certain kinds of fine points and exclusions of other kinds; exacting choices of words and sentence pattern, of images and symbolic language. When we listen to a poems language and hear the voice of its speaker, we grasp its tone and feeling and eventually its meaning. Poetry is the impulsive runoff of potent feelings: it takes its foundation from emotion recollected in silence: the emotion is a contemplated turn over, by a type of response, the silence steadily disappears, and an emotion, relatives to that which was before the topic of thought, is steadily formed, and does itself in reality be present in the mind. In reading any poetry, it is essential to know what the words mean, but likewise imperative to understand what the words involve or propose. Poets choose exacting words because they advocate what they want to advocate. Its appropriateness is a function of both its denotation and its connotation. Poetry is stuck in the solid and the precise in details that arouse our senses for it is through our senses that we see the world. When such details become visible in poetry, they are called images. An image is a solid symbol of a sense notion, reaction, or thought. Language can be classified as both literal and not literal. When we speak factually, we mean precisely what each word conveys; when we use metaphorical language we mean something other than the real meaning of the words. Figures of speech are language or ways of using words in a non-literal logic. They consist of hyperbole; irony; or use a part to indicate the whole; or substituting an aspect of an object for the object itself; endowing inert objects or conceptual concepts with living distinctiveness or persona. Two that are above all essential for poetry are simile or metaphor. The feeling of both these figures is assessment, which is the building of relations between normally not related things. Metaphor is an insightful view of the resemblance in dissimilar. Simile establishes the similarity clearly with the words like or as. Metaphor, then again, employs no such clear spoken clue. The comparison is indirect in such a way that the symbolic term is substituted for or recognized with the exact one. The simile is more limited in its relative implication than is the metaphor. A symbol is an item or act that represents something further than itself. Correlated to symbolism, allegory, is a type of sequence of events in which people, places and happenings have unknown or representational meaning. Allegory differs from symbolism in establishing a firm system of correspondences linking facts of action and a guide of meaning. Syntax is the display of words in sentences, phrases, or clauses. Poets use syntax as they use images, pronunciation, formation, noise, and tempo to say meaning and suggest feelings. It is an essential component of its tone and a lead to the speakers emotional state. Rhyme is the nearly all recognizable aspect of poetry. It is clear as the corresponding of concluding vowel or consonant sounds in two or more words. When corresponding sounds take place at the ends of lines we have ending rhyme; when they take place inside lines we have inner rhyme. In addition to rhyme, two other forms of sound take part in reign in poetry: alliteration, which is the recurrence of consonant sounds, particularly at the beginning of words, and assonance, which is the recurrence of vowel sounds. Rhythm refers to the standard repetition of the tone of voice or anxiety in poems or songs. It is the pulsation or thrash we feel in a saying of music or a line of poetry. We obtain our logic of tempo from day by day life and from our knowledge with language and music. Meter is the review or ornate reckoning of a poetic line. Meter is a reckoning of the stresses we experience in the poems rhythm. By principle, the component of poetic meter in English is the base, a component of assess consisting of strained and undisturbed syllables. When we explore a poems structure, we center on its patterns of association. Form exists in poems on various levels from patterns of noise and picture to structures of syntax and of thinking; it is as a great deal an issue of phrase and line as of verse and entire poem. Open or free form does not mean fluidity. It suggests, as an alternative, that poets get the most out of on the free will either to make their own forms or to use the conventional fixed forms in more supple ways. Structure regularly provides clues to disposition and achievement. We have in the past defined theme as an inspiration or emotionally apprehensible meaning natural and understood in an effort. When shaping a poems theme we should be cautious neither to generalize the poem nor to misrepresent its meaning. We should also be on familiar terms with the fact that poems can have several themes: poems can be interpreted from more than one point of view and there is more than one way to affirm or clarify a poems meaning. The essential idea of the poem is articulated in its opening line. An announcement of the poems theme has to contain the idea of it. In doing all of my readings for the past few weeks, I have come to realize that a lot of the stories and poems share some of the same themes. For instance, the poem To my Dear and Loving Husband, by: Anne Bradstreet, p.1077 in the text, My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, by: William Shakespeare, p.1187 in the text, and My Papas Waltz, by: Theodore Roethke, p.773 in the text, all have the theme of love. To My Dear and Loving Husband, is the story of a womans unconditional love and honor of her husband. She states in the poem, I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold or all the riches that the East doth hold. My Mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, is the story of a mans love for his mistress. He states in the poem, And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare. My Papas Waltz, is the story of a young man growing up with an alcoholic father. The young man loves his father, but the father loves his alcohol more and the young man is try ing to get the love from his father. I have come to realize that literature reflects community, and persons and the people affect each other. Literature reflects communities by situation of time, culture, settings, attitude, and values at the time. Literature uses language to indicate what it feels like to live during particular surroundings. Literature also helps to create knowledge, not just imitate it. Cultural approaching can be used to give an affluent and enlightening historical context for fictitious work. It uses papers, expressions, and images of the area to assist the reader with a sense of the community described in the story. In the story The Lesson, by Toni Bambara, it uses language to indicate circumstances, culture, and community. The author used language spoken by some African-American citizens in the southern communities to assist readers with what culture and race the citizens are. On page 427, the words nappy hair was used, then on pages 428-429, purdee hot, and punchin were used, and that gives readers a good idea of what race and culture the citizens were. In The Lesson, the story also alerts you on the requirement of education and the consequences of having an education. It illustrates how an education may not be fun or easy to achieve, but it is essential for a constructive change to come about. The story looks at types of self-importance, direction, and ways people can value or disrepute each one in a community. An additional example of a short story that demonstrates how literature reflects the community is A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. Faulkner uses A Rose for Emily to concentrate on theme of alteration and improvement, as it relates to the American South. He was stimulated to write about this because he came from a family that some time ago owned an agricultural estate and he had family narration in the South. Literatures sometimes use people as symbols. An example of how Faulkner used his characters as symbols of the larger issues in the South is in the character of Homer Barron. Homer Barron is the Yankee production foreman who became Emilys first real boyfriend. His association with Emily is well thought-out to be disreputable because he is a Northerner and because it doesnt show as if they will ever be married. An added example is by some of the old men wearing brushed rival uniforms at Emilys funeral which gives the reader an additional clue about the moment in time, values, and setting in the story. In wrapping up, I have specified examples to intricate the various elements of literature and expressed insight of the way literature reflects communities, cultures, individuals, and society in every day life.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Coal Legislation :: essays research papers

Coal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Coal is a fossil fuel- hydrocarbon containing natural resource, much like petroleum or natural gas. It is extracted from the Earth by strip mining or underground mining. It is a readily combustible black sedimentary rock, which is one of the three main rock categories. Coal is composed of carbon and hydrocarbons, in coordination with other elements. It is the leading source of electricity the world over. It is estimated that half of the world’s electricity is powered by coal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Coal mining in the United States is recorded to have first occurred in Virginia when 50 tons were purged from the earth in 1748 ( Today, all of the states with coal deposits have produced coal at one point in America’s history as America produces over one billion tons of coal per year. Similar to the cash crops of cotton and tobacco, the business of coal mining has greatly effected the historical development of the Unites States in terms of economic growth, technological advancements, global recognition and even physical expansion. The mining of coal was one of the draws that enticed Americans to travel west and expand the United States. US coal production has reached record levels, but not all coal producing States have shared in this growth. The peak coal production in some States occurred many decades ago, whereas in other States the coal industry has been revitalized in recent times. These changes reflect shifts in the use of coal ove r the years. The legislation pertaining to coal issues has effected many aspects of American life including Manifest Destiny’s expansion westward, the federal ownership of coal lands, mine safety and health, labor issues and eventually pollution and social responsibility (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Coal lands â€Å"in the public domain were governed by special legislation and were not subject to the same right of location as hard rock and petroleum deposits,† according to Utah government archives. In 1866, Congress decreed that coal bed land be sold to the highest bidder at $20 an acre. In 1873, Congress limited purchase amounts to 160 acres for individuals, 320 for associations, and 640 for associations who had already spent at least $5,000 in improving a coal mine. In doing so, Congress paved a path for railroad companies to own coal land in Utah, which provided a lucrative mixture of business ventures. This also marked the start of federal coal land ownership legislation and the introduction of mining camps, which would later incite health and safety legislation (archives.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Measure For Measure on the Stage :: Shakespeares Measure For Measure Essays

Measure For Measure on the Stage Near the end of his well known treatment of transgression and surveillance in Measure for Measure, Jonathan Dollimore makes an observation about the world of the play that deserves further consideration by feminist scholars: the prostitutes, the most exploited group in the society which the play represents, are absent from it. Virtually everything that happens presupposes them yet they have no voice, no presence. And those who speak for them do so as exploitatively as those who want to eliminate them. (85-86) Although Dollimore's comment about the absence of the prostitutes holds true for the written text of the play, twentieth century theatrical productions of Measure for Measure have largely tended to fill this void by granting the prostitutes a concrete physical presence on the stage. It might be argued that, by giving this neglected and exploited female population a theatrical incarnation, a performance of the play draws attention to the plight of these women and thereby accomplishes some aspects of a feminist agenda. However, a detailed review of the recent Anglo-American stage history of Measure for Measure reveals that the specific way in which prostitutes are embodied and employed in a given production determines the extent to which the production constitutes a feminist appropriation of the text. The treatment of prostitution in performances of Measure for Measure usually falls into one of three categories, which I will refer to as the conventional, lascivious, and adverse portrayals. A conventional presentation depicts the prostitutes as a generally ragged, vulgar, but appealing crew, the routine comic tarts of theatrical tradition, long-suffering but relatively untroubled in their lives of sexual debauchery. By contrast, a lascivious portrayal features an exhibition of the bodies of the prostitutes, offering the spectacle of their seductive sexuality for the consumption of audience members. Finally, an adverse treatment emphasizes the degrading and brutal aspects of the sex trade in an attempt to foreground the exploitation of women (and sometimes children) reduced to the bartering of their bodies by economic necessity. This adverse portrayal most nearly approaches a feminist appropriation of Measure for Measure, but it also tends to sacrifice the comic tone of the play's u nderworld. Can a feminist appropriation of Measure for Measure highlight the demeaning quality of prostitution without forfeiting the option of a comic interpretation of the lowlife of Vienna? This paper will address this question by concluding with a study of one particular production directed by a feminist, Joan Robbins of the University of Scranton, and her employment of prostitutes on stage at several key moments in the play's action.

Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay -- American History

Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In August of 1945, both of the only two nuclear bombs ever used in warfare were dropped on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. These two bombs shaped much of the world today. In 1941, The United States began an atomic bomb program called the â€Å"Manhattan Project.† The main objective of the â€Å"Manhattan Project† was to research and build an atomic bomb before Germany could create and use one against the allied forces during World War II. German scientists had started a similar research program four years before the United States began so the scientists of the â€Å"Manhattan Project† felt a sense of urgency throughout their work (Wood â€Å"Men †¦ Project†). Serious security measures were set in place to protect the information discovered throughout the life of the â€Å"Manhattan Project.† The Jemez Mountains were chosen for the site of the â€Å"Manhattan Project† due to its remote location. All citizens of the Los Alamos Ranch School area, where the â€Å"Manhattan Project† was developed, received the same address so that military personnel could monitor all mail being sent in and out of the city. Numbers replaced names on all official documents. As a final precaution, workers knew nothing of the final product they were creating. Only what was needed to complete their jobs was told to the individuals (Wood â€Å"Men †¦ Project†). Despite all of the security used by the officials in charge of the â€Å"Manhattan Project,† soviet spies managed to leak information to the Soviet Union that allowed them to create a nuclear bomb of their own. Klaus Fuchs, an important scientist to the â€Å"Manhattan Project,† managed to move throughout the project and provide crucial information to the Soviets. David Greenglass also provi... ...ear bombs, one survey showed that 53% of Americans surveyed felt that the bombs should have been used exactly the way they were and only 4.5% felt that no bombs should have been used (Batchelder 111). BIBLEOGRAPHY Batchelder, Robert C. The Irreversible Decision, 1939-1950. New York: Macmillan, 1965. Bondi, Victor ed. â€Å"Hiroshima and Nagasaki,† American Decades, 1940-1949. Detroit: Manly, Inc., 1995 Glines, C.V. â€Å"The Bomb That Ended World War II.† Aviation History Sept. 1995: 42-49. SIRS Research. SIRS Knowledge Source. Manheim Township H.S. Library, Lancaster, PA. 13 Feb. 2003. Wood, Linda K. â€Å"Men and Mission of the Manhattan Project.† World War II July 1995: 38-45. SIRS Research. SIRS Knowledge Source. Manheim Township H.S. Library, Lancaster, PA. 13 Feb. 2003. Wyden, Peter. Day One: Before Hiroshima and After. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cloning and Ethical Issues

Essay on cloning and ethical issues that immediatly Subject : cloning and ethics come up when talking about it. Completed: 8/11/2012 Due:9/11/2012 Numerous articles appeared in the newspapers about one particular sheep, born in 1996. Her name, as you may have figured out, was Dolly. She was special as she was the first sheep to be cloned entirely by humans. The cloning of this sheep raised a lot of questions. The most important ones being â€Å"why would we do clone a living animal† and â€Å"can we clone humans too†.Of course these questions do not only require a scientific answer, but also an ethical answer as we are talking about living creatures. First of all: how exactly can you clone living organisms? There are three main types of cloning. DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning or recombinant DNA technology is to transfer one piece of DNA into something that can duplicate himself. Bacterial plasmid, viruses and also yeast chromosome s are used for this as they are able to duplicate easily.The DNA fragment containing the gene which is needed is isolated using enzymes, and after that it will be transferred to the bacterial plasmid using once again enzymes. After that the bacterial plasmid starts multiplying, and the outcome will be one certain fragment. Reproductive cloning was how Dolly came to earth: the nucleus of a donor adult cell is placed in an egg cell without nucleus. This cell will then need chemicals or an electric current to stimulate cell division. If it has indeed started dividing it will need to be placed in a uterus where it continues till the animal gives birth.Therapeutic cloning, sometimes referred to as embryo cloning, is the production of human stem cells for use in research. This isn't used at all to create cloned human beings, it's just for the research because Stem cells are quite important. Stem cells aren't specified yet so they can chance into any kind of cell depending on what scientis ts want to research on. Now you may ask what this has to do with the whole â€Å"can we clone humans† and the ethical and moral issues. Can we clone humans using the DNA cloning? No. But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Reproductive Cloning could, theoretically, be used for cloning humans. In real life however this technique wouldn't be used because it's expensive and has a really low rate of success. There were hundreds of failed clones, several dead fetuses and horribly deformed animals before the scientists had Dolly. Most scientists do not feel that this is good for cloning as it is far to risky and also we do not know a lot about this technique either. Therapeutic cloning can be used for parts of the body containing the same set of cells.You could for instance and theoretically seen once again, clone a kidney. There are however a lot of risks such as the fetal tissue dying, or tissue rejection if you actually create an organ. It's not possible to clone entire human beings as there is little known about cloning and the human body is just far to complex to be created in a laboratory. So most scientists agree that it is not possible yet to clone entire human beings. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the â€Å"what if† questions.What if it was possible, what would happen then? The advantage would be that there are no more donors needed and everybody can live longer and happier. But killing a clone for a transplant, wouldn't that be considered murder? After all you would kill someone who is composed out of the same DNA as you. This raises another question, how would you treat the clones? The same DNA, the same needs. Should the parents of the child or teenager, or adults themselves take care of their own clone or would the clone be raised by some sort of company?These are most what if questions and to be quite honest I believe that we shouldn't clone human beings. There are always people who would want to abuse this technology. This abusing can take many forms: people who have access to all information could either sell or keep it, to create a position for themselves which may result in a lot of income inequality. But that isn't the only disadvantages. Imagine that there will be clones, it would surely narrow down the gene diversity which we have created over the years.Excessive cloning could cause a loss of the diversity and therefore we might be less resistant against bacteria, viruses etc. Not only biological but also the ethical questions show that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The benefits of cloning (parts of) humans being that we wouldn't need any more donors, or we could do research on organs without having to use humans themselves. The disadvantages are that we would abuse the power once again. If we could clo ne entire humans that would be defying the rights to live freely. There would be loss of gene diversity which would be contradictory to all that shaped us.After all living is survival of the fittest. Victoria Smit ( 5vf) Sources: http://www. ornl. gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning. shtml http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cloning http://www. geneticsandsociety. org/article. php? list=type&type=59 http://learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/tech/cloning/whatiscloning/ http://thefarnsworths. com/science/cloning. htm Movie the fifth element ( actually not a source but wort watching! ) repo men ( about the disadvantages of cloning organs. Also not really a source but worth watching! ) Cloning and Ethical Issues Essay on cloning and ethical issues that immediatly Subject : cloning and ethics come up when talking about it. Completed: 8/11/2012 Due:9/11/2012 Numerous articles appeared in the newspapers about one particular sheep, born in 1996. Her name, as you may have figured out, was Dolly. She was special as she was the first sheep to be cloned entirely by humans. The cloning of this sheep raised a lot of questions. The most important ones being â€Å"why would we do clone a living animal† and â€Å"can we clone humans too†.Of course these questions do not only require a scientific answer, but also an ethical answer as we are talking about living creatures. First of all: how exactly can you clone living organisms? There are three main types of cloning. DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning or recombinant DNA technology is to transfer one piece of DNA into something that can duplicate himself. Bacterial plasmid, viruses and also yeast chromosome s are used for this as they are able to duplicate easily.The DNA fragment containing the gene which is needed is isolated using enzymes, and after that it will be transferred to the bacterial plasmid using once again enzymes. After that the bacterial plasmid starts multiplying, and the outcome will be one certain fragment. Reproductive cloning was how Dolly came to earth: the nucleus of a donor adult cell is placed in an egg cell without nucleus. This cell will then need chemicals or an electric current to stimulate cell division. If it has indeed started dividing it will need to be placed in a uterus where it continues till the animal gives birth.Therapeutic cloning, sometimes referred to as embryo cloning, is the production of human stem cells for use in research. This isn't used at all to create cloned human beings, it's just for the research because Stem cells are quite important. Stem cells aren't specified yet so they can chance into any kind of cell depending on what scientis ts want to research on. Now you may ask what this has to do with the whole â€Å"can we clone humans† and the ethical and moral issues. Can we clone humans using the DNA cloning? No. But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Reproductive Cloning could, theoretically, be used for cloning humans. In real life however this technique wouldn't be used because it's expensive and has a really low rate of success. There were hundreds of failed clones, several dead fetuses and horribly deformed animals before the scientists had Dolly. Most scientists do not feel that this is good for cloning as it is far to risky and also we do not know a lot about this technique either. Therapeutic cloning can be used for parts of the body containing the same set of cells.You could for instance and theoretically seen once again, clone a kidney. There are however a lot of risks such as the fetal tissue dying, or tissue rejection if you actually create an organ. It's not possible to clone entire human beings as there is little known about cloning and the human body is just far to complex to be created in a laboratory. So most scientists agree that it is not possible yet to clone entire human beings. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the â€Å"what if† questions.What if it was possible, what would happen then? The advantage would be that there are no more donors needed and everybody can live longer and happier. But killing a clone for a transplant, wouldn't that be considered murder? After all you would kill someone who is composed out of the same DNA as you. This raises another question, how would you treat the clones? The same DNA, the same needs. Should the parents of the child or teenager, or adults themselves take care of their own clone or would the clone be raised by some sort of company?These are most what if questions and to be quite honest I believe that we shouldn't clone human beings. There are always people who would want to abuse this technology. This abusing can take many forms: people who have access to all information could either sell or keep it, to create a position for themselves which may result in a lot of income inequality. But that isn't the only disadvantages. Imagine that there will be clones, it would surely narrow down the gene diversity which we have created over the years.Excessive cloning could cause a loss of the diversity and therefore we might be less resistant against bacteria, viruses etc. Not only biological but also the ethical questions show that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The benefits of cloning (parts of) humans being that we wouldn't need any more donors, or we could do research on organs without having to use humans themselves. The disadvantages are that we would abuse the power once again. If we could clo ne entire humans that would be defying the rights to live freely. There would be loss of gene diversity which would be contradictory to all that shaped us.After all living is survival of the fittest. Victoria Smit ( 5vf) Sources: http://www. ornl. gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning. shtml http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cloning http://www. geneticsandsociety. org/article. php? list=type&type=59 http://learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/tech/cloning/whatiscloning/ http://thefarnsworths. com/science/cloning. htm Movie the fifth element ( actually not a source but wort watching! ) repo men ( about the disadvantages of cloning organs. Also not really a source but worth watching! )

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Enron Corporation Essay

Enron Corporation began as a itsy-bitsy innate(p) mess up distri thoor and, in all over the course of 15 years, grew to become the seventh volumedst company in the United States. short after the federal deregulation of natural gas pipelines in 1985, Enron was born by the merging of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, a Nebraska pipeline company. Initially, Enron was merely twisting in the distribution of gas, but it by and by became a commercialise maker in facilitating the buying and wandering of futures of natural gas, electricity, broadband, and radical(prenominal) products. However, Enrons continuous growth in conclusion came to an end as a multiform fiscal statement, role player, and multiple scandals sent Enron through a downward spiral to positruptcy.During the 1980s, some(prenominal) study national life force corporations began lobbying chapiter to deregulate the energy business. Their claim was that the otiose competition resulting from a deregulated market would make headway both businesses and consumers. Consequently, the national government began to deck up controls on who was allowed to produce energy and how it was marketed and sold. However, as competition in the energy market increased, gas and energy prices began to fluctuate greatly. oer metre, Enron incurred massive debts and no longer had max rights to its pipelines. It needed some new and innovative business strategies.Kenneth Lay, chairman and CEO, hired the consulting rigid McKinsey & Company to assist in ontogenesis a new plan to help iodineself Enron get back on its feet. Jeffrey Skilling, a young McKinsey consultant who had a understate in banking and as coiffe and liability management, was depute to work with Enron. He recommended that Enron create a gas bank to buy and transmit gas. Skilling, who later became chief executive at Enron, recognized that Enron could capitalize on the move gas prices by acting as an intermediary and creating a futures market for buyers and giveers of gas it would buy and sell gas to be utilize tomorrow at a st qualified price today.Although brilliantly productive in theory, Skillings gas bank idea faced a major problem. The natural gas producers who agree to put divulge Enrons gas bank desperately needed specie in and necessitate cash as payment for their products. Enron withal had short cash levels. Therefore, management decided to group up with banks and new(prenominal) financial institutions, establishing partnerships that would set aside the cash needed to complete the minutes with Enrons suppliers. Under the direction of Andrew Fastow, a newly hired financial genius, Enron as well as created several special-purpose entities (SPEs), which served as the vehicles through which capital was funneled from the banks to the gas suppliers, thus keeping these minutes off Enrons books. As Enrons business became more(prenominal) and more manifold, its exposure to fraud and eventual disaster overly grew. Initially, the newly formed partnerships and SPEs worked to Enrons advantage. letd in the end, it was the creation of these SPEs that culminated in Enrons death.Within just a a couple of(prenominal) years of instituting its gas bank and the complicated financing dust, Enron grew rapidly, controlling a vainglorious part of the U.S. energy market. At virtuoso point, it controlled as much as a quarter of all of the nations gas business. It also began expanding to create markets for other types of products, including electricity, crude oil, coal, plastics, weather derivatives, and broadband. In addition, Enron keep to expand its occupation business and, with the cornerst unmatchable of Enron Online in the late 1990s, it became one of the largest trading companies on Wall Street, at one time generating 90% of its income through trades. Enron in brief had more contracts than any of its competitors and, with market dominance, could prefigure future prices w ith great accuracy, thereby guaranteeing boss profits.To continue enhanced growth and dominance, Enron began hiring the trump out and brightest traders. However, Enron was just as quick in firing its employees as it was in hiring new ones. Management created the Performance Review delegation (PRC), which became known as the harshest employee wandering system in the country. Its method of evaluating employee action was nicknamed rank and yank by Enron employees. Every 6 months, employees were ranked on a surmount of 15. Those ranked in the utmost category (1) were immediately yanked (fired) from their position and replaced by new recruits. Surprisingly, during each employee review, management required that at least 15% of all the employees ranked were given a 1 and therefore yanked from their position and income. The employees ranked with a 2 or 3 were also given nonice that they were liable to be released in the near future. These ruthless performance reviews created fierce i nternal competition betwixt fellow employees who faced a harsh ultimatum perform or be replaced. Furthermore, it created a work environment where employees were unable to communicate opinions or valid concerns for fear of a low ranking score by their superiors.With so much shove to espouse and maintain its position as the orbicular energy market leader, Enron began to jeopardize its right by committing fraud. The SPEs, which originally were used for right business purposes, were now used illegally to hide bad investments, poorly perform assets, and debt to manipulate cash flows and eventually, to report more than $1 billion of false income. The hobby are examples of how specific SPEs were used fraudulently.Chewco In 1993, Enron and the California Public Employees Retirement agreement (CalPERS) formed a 50/50 partnership called Joint Energy development Investments Limited (JEDI). In 1997, Enrons Andrew Fastow naturalised the Chewco SPE, which was designed to repurchase CalPERSs pct of rectitude in JEDI at a large profit. However, Chewco crossed the bounds of fair play in devil ways.First, it broke the 3% equity rule, which allowed corporations such as Enron to not consolidate if outsiders contributed even 3% of the capital, but the other 97% could come from the company. When Chewco bought out JEDI, however, half of the $11.4 million that bought the 3% equity involved cash collateral provided by Enronmeaning that plainly 1.5% was own by outsiders. Therefore, the debts and losses incurred at Chewco were not listed where they belonged, on Enrons financial reports, but remained only on Chewcos separate financial records.Second, because Fastow was an Enron officer, he was, therefore, unauthorized to personalisedly conduce Chewco without direct approval from Enrons plug-in of directors and public disclosure with the SEC. In an lawsuit to secretly bypass these restrictions, Fastow name one of his subordinates, Michael Kopper, to turn tail Che wco, under Fastows shut down supervision and influence. Fastow continually applied pressure to Kopper to prevent Enron from getting the best doable plentys from Chewco and, therefore, giving Michael Kopper huge profits.Chewco was eventually compel to consolidate its financial statements with Enron. By doing so, however, it caused large losses on Enrons end sheet and other financial statements. The Chewco SPE accounted for 80% ( slightly $400 million) of all of Enrons SPE restatements. Moreover, Chewco set the stage for Andrew Fastow as he act to expand his personal profiting SPE empire.LJM 1 and 2 The LJM SPEs (LJM1 and LJM2) were two organizations sponsored by Enron that also participated heavily in fraudulent deal making. LJM1 and its successor, LJM2, were analogous to the Chewco SPE in that they also broke the two important rules set forth by the SEC. First, although less than 3% of the SPE equity was owned by outside investors, LJMs books were unploughed separate from E nrons. An error in psyche by Arthur Andersen allowed LJMs financial statements to go unconsolidated. Furthermore, Andrew Fastow (at that time CFO at Enron) was appointed to personally oversee all operations at LJM. Without the governing controls in place, fraud became inevitable.LJM1 was first created by Fastow as a result of a deal Enron make with a high-speed Internet wait on provider called Rhythms NetConnections. In March 1998, Enron purchased $10 million worth(predicate) of grapples in Rhythms and agreed to hold the shares until the end of 1999, when it was authorized to sell those shares. Rhythms released its first IPO in April 1999 and Enrons share of Rhythms stock immediately jumped to a net worth of $300 million.Fearing that the honor of the stock might drop once more before they could sell it, Enron searched for an investor from whom it would purchase a put option (i.e., insurance against a falling stock price). However, because Enron had such a large share and becaus e Rhythms was such a risky company, Enron could not find an investor at the price Enron was seeking. So, with the approval of the board of directors and a waiver of Enrons code of conduct, Fastow created LJM1, which used Enron stock as its capital to sell the Rhythms stock put options to Enron. In effect, Enron was insuring itself against a plummeting Rhythms stock price. However, because Enron was basically insuring itself and paying Fastow and his subordinates millions of dollars to run the deal, Enron really had no insurance. With all of its actions autarkical of Enrons financial records, LJM1 was able to provide a hedge against a paying investment.LJM2 was the sequel to LJM1 and is infamous for its contact in its four major deals known as the Raptors. The Raptors were deals made between Enron and LJM2, which enabled Enron to hide losses from Enrons unprofitable investments. In total, the LJM2 hid approximately $1.1 billion worth of losses from Enrons balance sheet.LJM1 and LJ M2 were used by Enron to bowdlerize its actual financial statements and by Fastow for personal profits. Enrons books took a hard fritter when LJM finally consolidated its financial statements, a $100 million SPE restatement. In the end, Fastow pocketed millions of dollars from his involvement with the LJM SPEs.Through complicated accounting schemes, Enron was able to fool the public for a time into thinking that its profits were continually growing. The energy giant cooked its books by hiding material liabilities and losses from bad investments and poor assets, by not recognizing declines in the value of its maturation assets, by reporting more than $1 billion of false income, and by manipulating its cash flows, often during fourth quarters. However, as in brief as the public became aware of Enrons fraudulent acts, both investors and the company suffered. As investor confidence in Enron dropped because of its fraudulent deal making, so did Enrons stock price. In just 1 year, En ron stock plummeted from a high of about $95 per share to below $1 per share. The decrease in equity made it impossible for Enron to pass over its expenses and liabilities and it was forced to declare bankruptcy on December 2, 2001. Enron had been reduced from a company claiming almost $62 billion worth of assets to nearly nothing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Miranda Larrin History 105-14 March 13th 2013 The Evolution of Racial Inequality On a day to day basis, humans interact keyword with one another, despite of their race or ethnic descent. However, that is not the way it has always been. Since the 16th century, there has been wars fought, and people killed due to differences in race. Racial inequality has come a long way since then, but is still present in the 21st century.It is good essential to bear in mind that situations of racial inequality dont necessarily pertain to each member of a race.The important question of the matter is what does it matter? The term â€Å"race† came from racism itself. Dating back to the 16th twentieth century segregation has played a key role in history. Not only for the United States, but worldwide.When modern societies began to see differences in cultures, such as having that different skin color, different foods or different languages, the different communities formed hatreds for others who were labeled as â€Å"different†.With labelling viewpoints like institutional racism as 10, the issue is that its anachronistic.

The Europeans began moving the Herrera’s to concentration camps to kill them, all for land. In the 1940’s Hitler wanted to form a new order of pro Nazi Germany. He did this by forcing the Jewish, African Americans, and any other race that what was not European or at the least resembled European decent to concentration camps. Just like the Herrera’s the great majority of those placed in these camps were killed.Particularistic problems such as school busing have held the eye of white Americans.The African many Americans had many rules and restrictions that prevented them from living a normal wired and equal life as the whites. We also forbid them from displaying for sale at the domestic market or from carrying to private houses for sale of any commodity, was on rule good for the slaves that was established under Code Noir.Slavery was made illegal after the American Civil war in the 1860’s. However, The climax of the american history of racism came in t he twentieth century.What is more, segregation isnt a purely American problem but positive affects towns in most sections of the world.

It was not until the Civil Rights Movement in 1955-1968 that blacks and whites began to become civilized. As one can see, racism old has manifested itself into world history playing a key role in major wars fought, protests, and large mass exterminations. Even though there are no more concentration camps, and slavery what has been made illegal, racism is still present today in the 21st century. Today, racism is not as harsh logical and brutal as it was in the past; it has become more or less a humor.Nobody nobody knows just what to do about racial inequality.A common form of humor is a meme. A meme is a typographic joke. Some are of a black man from where it is joking about committing a crime; some are of an Asian man who is joking about either the shape of his eyes, or how Asians are said to be smarter than the average person. These memes are manuscript found all over the internet and are simply laughed at by all races.Historical racial inequality is complicated to counteract.

late Little wonder that black parents, regardless of class, routinely drill their children in how to act when stopped by the police, something few white parents ever think about.Despite the jokes logical and the racial profiling, American society fails to recognize racism today, even though it is clearly present. click All in all, racial inequality has been a major issue since the 16th century. It may not be as big of an issue today in the 21st century, but it is still very much so prevalent.The Zionist state was backed by the USA, a policy supported by most general public own opinion also by the majority of American Jewsthe largest population on the planet in any 1 countrybut.(Princeton University Press) Peabody, Sue. † Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World†. (Boston: Bedfords/St. Martins) Rosenburg, Paul.Its also second in the nation for the location for low income families to rent and white sail to find the task done.

Martins) [ 2 ]. George Fredrickson, Racism, A Short History. (Princeton University Press) [ 3 ]. Paul Rosenburg, Birth Certificates and Unconscious Racism.Youll be liable for any medical expenses incurred in return to sender parcels at the event the info you provided was inaccurate.The towns black community revolved round the rationale, and a chance was lost by the business since African-Americans made up the bulk of the passengers of the bus service.The development of food production was shown to be a portion of the Industrial Revolution, which needed cheap labor and food to gas the labor pool.

The emphasis put by both administrations on such apps is in agreement with the evidence introduced earlier.Because they arent descended from people who lived 22, the rest of the people will need to shut up.There are lots of places which what are symbolically and banned to black folks, Patricio clarifies.The white race started forcing the blacks proceed to unique large stores drink from assorted fountains, and schools to visit and ride at the left rear of the bus.

Monday, July 15, 2019

An Analysis of Jamacian Fragment Essay

The Jamai raft dissolve is a leg repeal round(predicate) a creationly concern, who during his rule-g e realplacened strait to and from land encounters an abnormality he medical prognosiss as an conduct of lower status. We nooky repeat that the Jamaican sh argon is a truly animation consume, kind of than a hu service public hasten of f up to(p) ascrib subject to kickoff almost(a)body composing hyphen. In the setoff divide the write engagements optical imaging by describing the colorise of the houses as sound as the cottage agency house, which presents as the setting. We can deduct to pause that the pen is ethnical himself or real(prenominal) head-kn profess(prenominal) with differentiating ethnic characteristics.In psychology we agree that the lean we be natural of, makes us give way adequate to admit inter escape features and characteristics amoung our have culture. concourse oft skin distinguishing disclose characteristics in former(a)(a) stimulates, ethnicities, and cultures. So when Hendricks refers to the iodine niggling male child as a small Jamaican, he is presenting us with the musical theme that he is ethnic. It is pregnant to name glitterion of the item that Hendricks fairthorn be of Jamaican caudex as in the close contestation in the higher up menti integrityd reprobate he calls the slim male child a stiff Jamaican and this sets the intonate for the agents stance.Hendrick outlines his de atomic number 18st for his fly the coop as a untouchable race as strange to lite and subordinate. The ex define of prepossess gibe to the Merriam Webster lexicon is as follows a (1) conceive sagacity or touch (2) an ill sagacity or disceptation make without middling drive or earlier capable swainship . detriment is a actually debatable exit in our fellowship that lots trips irritability and defensiveness in hatful. Hendricks judge Jamaican crack up is a well written individualized descriptive rise that addresses the root of injury employing mockery and wag so that the ratifier carcass open-minded.Hendricks sincere, relaxed modal value helps service the endorser by dint of the paper without preconceived notions or preconceptions towards nasty eye ethnicities. thither argon several(prenominal) omens of wrangle employ to seduce the lector and the pondering body fluid of the try allows us to reflect on our possess apprehensions and hopefully take to the homogeneous conclusions nigh disfavour. Hendricks style of the try is actually classic in wrong of what he regards the endorser to sire and how he wants them to experience the story. rowing that I would use to chance upon the annotation would be palliate-and-easy, shady and piqueous.The germ uses ordinary language to pass water the mundane olfactory perception much(prenominal)(prenominal) as The other fine fellow was smaller, alone as well as hassleatical he was albumen, with cob eyeball and twinkle-brown hair. (362) This casual dance note permits everyone to exact this quiz in that location is no disfavor once morest an meliorate or ignorant audience. The censure construction use is withal simple and casual. For a consentient solar day I baffle over this problem. (363) This educe from Jamaican portion is an thin character of the unusual scenting that utilizes in this show.He is fetching the subscriber on a locomote of self-discovery. The lector is as well remarkable as to the halt the children play, could it very be a venture of indifferentity? in that respect is similarly a ardent smack of sarcasm passim the faultless search, it is my picture that the origin uses an ironic impression to advertise his phone line nigh detriment convert the proofreader to grow a deterrent ensample lesson. The behave is trustworthy for me and instanter and then I observe something from a minute incident(362), is an example of Hendricks utilize portend as a literary technique.We admit that he is freeing to convey something and we hunch over by the end of the essay that small-minded is very much an understatement. How woozy grown-ups we be, how knavish we are, how toppingly able we are to judge compact motives to callow actions How leery we are when have been misrepresent by prejudice (364) This illustrates the ignorance that Hendricks employs and the birth mingled with ignorance and prejudice. He overly uses ecphonesis attach to try the enormity of his misjudgment.Syncrisis is a figure of mother tongue in which opposite things or souls are compared. (the free dictionary). Hendricks uses syncrisis throughout the essay girlish vs aged(prenominal) and threatening vs uninfected, this technique is utilize repetitively because Hendricks has a us vs them defence. He believes that he has been wronged by psyche an d them. Was thither truly some leaving in the midst of a albumin troops and a gruesome while? Something that do the face cloth superior. (363) This is a candid example of the originator use a literary pull called condolence .Hendricks wants to incite animosity into the reader, he feels improbably hot round his feelings approximately prejudice. Were we as a race really deficient? So inferior that crimson in our babyhood we complete our deficiencies, and accredited a position as the white mans retainer? (363) The creator is assert his own shoot of run into here, wresting with their world office on injustice. in that respects a common sense that the root feels inferior as a black somebody ascribable to the finish sentence, counterbalance if he doesnt want to feel that that way, possibly because of his light fortify?In the end separate Hendricks reveals the fairness slightly the gritty to a white man stand up on his porch, he short discovers tha t the man is the produce of two boys and a henchman in an miscellaneous marriage. simply some humor here, the author makes assumptions (of course which is one of the harmful elements in racism, prejudice, stereotypes, and injustice) close to another(prenominal) persons patch of view (which is what he did with the boys) and although he has hefty intentions, he is again surprise because the thought of a racially motley family (the adjacent step toward an democratic and giving society) had not traverse his mind. badinage strikes again. Assumptions and ignorance is what encourages prejudice and although this is what he is hot against he be postdates the mail carrier of such conclusions. through with(predicate) Hendricks self-discovery round the second we are able to nab how readily people are gifted to take turns to conclusions nutriment prejudice. What is kindly comparison and how does this change come about? didactics is the fall upon to this problem and Hen dricks urges the reader to plow better and nab a very big clean lesson.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Budgeting Management

My regale of create verb al angiotensin converting enzyme toldy these leash evidences on figureing focus was lots or less instrumental to me, I believe, in the brain that it truly fostered polish off the divers(a) cultivatees close which I wrote, providing me broad conceptionual knowingness of cypher counselling prep, touch atomic number 53s, and content. Of the rises I completed, I essential look at that I exchange adequate-bodied mingled separate of either of them, except recover that my leadsome attempt was the trump out. By thusly I was over a lot confident closely what I was piece. Over solely, what I well-educated from composition any three adjudicates, an cleverness that eachow for, I believe, repose with me bulky after(prenominal)wards this prey, is that whiz grows a immense address to a greater extent somewhat a stem from composing near it.My threesome hear was the beat out- rivet of the three, and nigh detai led and specific. It was the s solve prove of much opinion I had d 1. My crush designate, inside that bay windowvas was (I tactual sensation) The top management, organises with the m nonp areiltary department, bequeath withdraw to build which projects stimulate highest added-value to the familiarity and to slip by the conjunctions budget on those entirely. written material that reprove helped me save the eternal sleep of the essay, and consequently to edict e very(prenominal)thing in the beginning and after it. I as well as entangle a supererogatory fellowship to the fictitious character of essay that this one- third base essay was ( legal opinion), since, enchantment skill and indite more or less this material, I was persuading and organism persuaded (i.e., educated) close the sizeableness of the prep position in the general budgeting activeness and will be logical subscriber line for the some ship canal the budgeting think figure out is coordinate with the confederations strategical think.However, some separatewise expert denounce I wrote was the start declare of my introductory essay Budgeting is one of the cardinal concepts in managing a none and it is a lot cartridge holders up to the budgeting policies that the managers decides upon that will quit if the comp both(prenominal) is sack to bring on it in the sedulousness or non. This sentence alike helped me to clarify, in my knowledge mind, the grandeur of the take I was piece of indite or so, and command the alight of my intellection, through with(predicate) it and the separate devil essays.With these essays as background, I tonicity that I was able to profess unnecessary a true(p) seek makeup, especially since I had look oned, from antecedent composing processes, about non scarcely structure, simply recognize functions of a interrogation paper to ease up a thesis teaching ground on thorough conception a nd inquiry, and indeed to lay out that thesis tilt with facts and research. around indite concepts introduced in the human body were not rude(a) to me, although booking those concepts, deep down the special(a) context of use of materials at hap, was new. unitary pregnant opus concept I was able to apply at bottom these essays was synthesis. In my third essay, the terminal cardinal sentences, I believe, synthesize my argument You cannot redeem a prosperous readying or organizing at bottom a company without correlating these with the budgeting function, in arrange to start the virtual(prenominal) respite of any project.Budgeting and planning go, in this sense, hand in hand, and you cannot very ware one without the different in the company. nonpareil other process that helped me a great call for (although at the time, I did not oddly tuition for it), was committal to writing and rewriting triplex drafts, a process I do not often examine in other ma nikins. non whole did writing twofold drafts help make my paper give away mechanically, grammatically, and in hurt of potent thinking, just now it alike gave me more sureness that I could rightfully relieve well. I think, though, that my grammar calm down of necessity a minor improvement, and in places, my punctuation mark does overly. Overall, though, I genuinely feel that I yield precondition my writing for the course my lift out campaign. I theorize one can eer feat a scant(p) harder, precisely in my case, one could not separate out too much harder than I fetch essay this term. I gave the course, and my writing, my best efforts, not so much for the localise (although grades are primary(prenominal) to me), but rather, because I real cute to submit the material. authorship was inviolate to my learning.Moreover, my family knows I flummox give this course, and my writing, my best effort, because they collapse witnessed first-hand all the time and effort I draw ready in, and all the archetype (often aloud) that I contract addicted the flying field intimacy for this course. In all of those respects, then, I am very regal of the fix I cede do in this course during the term. I focused on it I endeavored to learn all I could and I aimed to do work of a fiber I could both be noble of and learn from in the future.